Linux Fedora Core 4 Setup Steps
Installing Linux for Use as a Personal System
These instructions are intended for computer geeks new to Linux who
want to setup a PC as an end-user system (versus a server). These
instructions assume a moderate level of computer expertise and do not
try to list and explain every step. Please do not email me for
assistance as I will not respond.
There are many versions of Linux, I feel Fedora is the most
mainstream, most user friendly, and best supported. Earlier versions of
Fedora had issues, but version 4 supports things like USB memory sticks,
digital cameras, and other things we take for granted in Macintosh and
Windows. I've used this setup to reformat PCs for friends who were sick
of the viruses and crashes in Windows (but didn't want to scrap their PC
and buy a Mac). They previously knew nothing about Linux but were able
to use their "new" systems with few issues. If you didn't know already,
all this sofware is free!
Fedora home =
- Boot from CD and select Personal/Desktop System as install type
- Select manual partition. Create 3 partitions and select option
to make primary partition (otherwise default will format with
Logical Volumes which are much slower)
- /dev/hda1 = /boot = 150 MB
- /dev/hda2 = / = (all remaining disk space)
- /dev/hda3 = swap = 1024 MB
- Install default packages and reboot
- Configure automatic updates by running following commmands as
- chkconfig rhnsd off = disable RedHat Network (unreliable,
poor GUI, times out)
- chkconfig yum on = enable
Yum for updates
- yum list updates = list available updates and setup initial
files for yum
- yum -y update = install all updates for all installed
- rpm -ihv
= add livna archive (freshrpms) to yum so useful software
packages can be installed easily
- (Optional) yum -y install yumex = GUI for yum (slower than
- Configure multimedia applications as root
- rpm -ev HelixPlayer = remove HelixPlayer (mostly useless)
- yum -y install vlc = installs
VLC media
player with required components
- yum -y install compat-libstdc++-33 = install GCC
compatability libraries (v.4 is current, v3.3 also needed)
- yum -y install gstreamer-plugins-mp3 libmad libid3tag =
install MP3 support for Rhythmbox (listed as Music Player in
Applicatons menu > Sound/Video, FC4 default player, only player
I've seen that displays song info in task bar)
- Manually configure more applications (download RPM version so
software is registered in system log and can be easily manipulated
with rpm commands; install with "rpm -ihv <package_name.rpm>")
- RealPlayer, download from
- Edit ~/.realplayerrc and add "SoundDriver=2" in the
[helix] section to use ALSA intead of older OSS sound
- Java, download JRE package from
- Create a file called /etc/profile.d/ containing
the following (JAVA_HOME path will change with different
Java versions):
export JAVA_HOME
- ln -s
/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins = create soft link to enable plugin
in Mozilla/Firefox (source path will change with different
Java versions)
Configure Mozille/Firefox Helpers:
Go to for a large list of streaming media
types. Click each separate type and select the application to use for
each one per table below, selecting the option to "always use".
Media Type |
Extensions |
Player Path |
Real Audio |
ra, ram, rm, rpm, smi, smil |
/usr/bin/realplay |
MP3 |
m3u, pls, mp3 |
/usr/bin/rhythmbox |
Windows Media |
wax, wma (mms) |
/usr/bin/vlc |
Windows |
asx, asf |
VLC or Mplayer? |
This will edit the file at
~/.mozilla/firefox/<random>.default/mimeTypes.rdf. Copy this file to
other user profiles/computers to duplicate settings easily.
Go to Desktop menu > Preferences > File Management. Set "Default zoom
level" on Views tab to 75%, on Behavior tab, select box "Always open in
browser windows". This makes deskop windows look and function much
better and like expected as in Macintosh and Windows.
- Wine - run Windows software,
- Slocate - CLI search setup
- Mplayer - AV player (plays lot but has possible copyright
- Xine - DVD/movie player (duplicates VLC?)
- Flash - browser plugin